Curricular Innovation
Columbia Law School is the place to learn about transactions and the art and practice of being a successful business lawyer. The Center integrates Socratic teaching with experiential learning - drafting, negotiating, and analyzing real-world business transactions - to help students better understand what a business lawyer does. Students are engaged in the learning process, work as teams, and begin to develop skills that are important to business lawyers.

The Center sponsors a number of transaction-related seminars in addition to the core Deals course and workshops.
Cutting-Edge Transactional Scholarship
Columbia Law School provides a vibrant physical and intellectual space in which cutting-edge transactions are explored. Transactional studies, by their nature, involve substantial multi-disciplinary scholarship. A key focus is to facilitate the formal and informal exchange of ideas among Columbia's many law and business faculty and prominent economists, practitioners, business leaders, judges, and government officials.

Faculty Development
The Center provides the best means for practitioners who wish to become full-time academics to train, research, and produce scholarship, as well as engaging experienced practitioners as adjunct instructors. The Center also funds faculty research in transactional studies.